Archive for December, 2007

continuing work in progress- Method to my madness

December 19, 2007


Hi. To continue, Here’s a photo of the Escher print I was thinking about.

First, after deciding that the distorted photo on the center wouldn’t work, I wanted to get a picture of a hand holding something that would reflect. I did not have a mirror finish globe, but I did have a fish eye mirror, which unfortunately was not round. Anyway,  here’s what happened with that idea:  


Here is the quilt in progress. I just did some thread painting today and quilted it somewhat. I still need to quilt the background more.

this photo was taken without the quilting:


here’s some of my work in progress

December 13, 2007

This is a Fibervision challenge called alternately called the revision, revisitation, reincarnation and regurgitation challenge. We all swapped quilts that we were willing to part with and the challenge was to change it and make it your own.

The piece I got was by Lorna Morck made in the 80’s. Here is a photo of it.129.jpg

It looks like the 80’s, eh?

It actually was a great little hand quilted quilt. Lorna drafted the blocks herself and the hand quilting was beautiful and even.

However, the challenge was to make it mine, so I did the unthinkable… I ripped out the hand quilting. I just could not work with it as a finished piece. It seemed sacreligeous to cut up a quilt, but it was OK to mess with a quilt top. Wierd what we think sometimes, huh!

Well, I had to sit  and look at it for a few months before I could think of what to do next. I really felt distracted by the peach cross in the center, but really liked the roundness of the stars in the corners. So here’s what I did next:                         

176.jpg  Yep, I cut it’s heart out. I wanted to emphasize the roundness so it made sense to cut a circle out of the center.

A few more months went by while I contemplated what to put in the center.  I thought of that Escher drawing where he is holding up a globe that reflects himself holding up a globe, and started thinking of globish things. I tried to distort some photos in photoshop, but did not get the desired results. So I started looking on Microsoft publisher clip art for round. Here are some of the things I came up with:

86604-xs1.jpg          165862-xs1.jpg         aa0484171.jpg  

There were lots more, but I decided on the earth as my center. I was thinking I would call the quilt something like Global Warming, because the quilt was surrounding the earth…get it… I changed my mind as it evolved though.

Here’s what I finally came up with: 


It’s a good quilt, but I just don’t know how to hang a round quilt, and besides, I am trying to emphasize the human form in my quilts, so I needed to do something else with it.

I kept going back to the Escher drawing

 I will post this and try to find a copy of that Escher drawing and figure out how to put it on the bloog. More later.


Hello world!

December 2, 2007

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!