Archive for June, 2009

My Yosemite quilt

June 22, 2009

DSC_0758I finished my challenge quilt at 10:00 the night before it was due and turned it in. The Challenge theme was The Art of the Travel Poster. I chose Yosemite for my quilt and used a photo that Leroy had taken when we were there in April with the kids and grand kids.  Here is the photo of Yosemite falls that I used as inspiration.

I do not have a photo of the finished quilt yet, because I forgot to photograph it before I turned it in, but my quilt won the highest award in the challenge, and tomorrow I am going to be interviewed by the News Press… I will post a photo after tomorrow. The quilts are on display at Grant House sewing center on Canon Perdido near the Sojourner restaurant in Santa Barbara. I do not have the full address, but if you know SB,  you can find it.