Archive for May, 2009

mariner’s stopwatch

May 23, 2009


Here is the Mariner’s Stopwatch quilt I just submitted to IQ A Houston Show. Judy Rys took the photo for me, put it on a disc and I mailed it off Express mail to reach Houston by tomorrow at noon, because I waited until right before the deadline to mail it. What is it with me? It seems like if there is not a deadline attached, I never get anything done… I hope to be accepted into the show. This is a 2 person mixed technique quilt. It is a product of a Fibervision Challenge alternately called revision, and regurgitation. We each put something in a bag that we were totally willing to give away with no strings attached.  The challenge was to make something out of it. I got the mariner’s compas block and used it as the center of my stopwatch. Serindipity is amazing… the Mariner’s Compass block was made by Rene Jennings.When she saw the quilt she told me that she used to coach track, and had a stopwatch in her hand constantly. Wierd, huh!


my show at Porch

May 14, 2009

So, one of my dreams was to have a show of my own work and it has become a reality. I was asked to exhibit my quilts at Porch, a wonderful gift shop in Carpinteria that used to be a bank. After it was a bank it was an auto parts store, which used the  bank vault for storage. Porch made the vault into a gallery. They call their gallery, what else, Vault.

I was told by the owners of Porch that they had more people come in to see my show in the first 10 days than at at any show they had there since they opened. I was happy about that. I sold one piece, Todd’s Fishing House. It is always a little sad to sell your work, because I will miss seeing it. I guess that is something you get used to.   But, Oh Well, more money to go into my quilt machine fund. Besides, then I get to make more quilts.

Last Saturday I participated in the Carpinteria Artists Studio Tour. It was fun to have people visit my studio and get their feedback on my work. Inbetween visitors I made a really cute little dress for my grand daughter, Beatrix.  I have a piece in the local gallery, a group show featuring the work of the artists featured in the Tour.  There are some interesting pieces in the show. I finally finished my Green Martha, and submitted it for the show. I am pretty happy with how it turned out. No photo, though.

I have found out that I am definitely not a blogger, that is, I do not take the time to post entries in a very timely manner… I want to try and improve that. We shall see…. I wish I had time for all of my creative pursuits…