Archive for January, 2008

rejection, again

January 21, 2008

wild-women-_1-003.jpgI This is my latest quilt. It is called Wild Women #1 and is the first in a series of quilts of myself and 3 friends after painting our faces and posing for the camera.

I know they say that you need to have a thick skin when entering your work in shows, but I think my work is great, and this quilt has been rejected from the last two shows I entered. WAAAAAH!!! One was a museum where my own group was showing and the other was a gallery.  I can understand the gallery as my work is bound and not framed, and there is possibly some resistance to quilting as “art”, but I still feel let down.  This morning I went to see the show that I was just rejected from and there was work in the show that I considered marginal as compared to mine. I guess it is true that  judges and curators are just people with their own taste and they choose work according to their own bias and from their own background. I just feel a little low. I am going to start entering the same quilt in as many shows as I can. Maybe someone will like it…

Fiber Art Portraits and my studio

January 5, 2008


Some photos of my studio and some work in progress.


Quilting in 10 minute intervals a week apart…

January 4, 2008

Because of the holidays, and because of the general rush and push to get things done, be with family, cook, decorate, undecorate and collapse from exhaustion, I have not written about my quilting, nor have I done anything major. I did get to my studio last week and finished the quilting on my global quilt. I have not chosen a name for it yet, but vollyball keeps popping into my consciousness…Global Volleyball, International Beach Vlooeyball, world volleyball, the ball is in your court, I still go back to the Global warming theme, because I like the image of the world being warmed because it is wrapped in a quilt. I don’t know.

I did a little guerella quilting today. I got home from work at about 6:00 and instead of going into the house, I went straight into the studio and started working on one of my Wild Women pieces. I have a flower to do, and got it almost done in the 45 minutes I had before my husband came home. I may try to do this more often.

I cleaned and organized my studio last week-end. Leroy is famous for Road Kill… finding things on the side of the road that people have left out for free. This time he scored! It was a corner unit with 2 book shelves. He had already brought the shelves home and took me down after dark to the street on which the corner unit was sitting. We examined it with flashlights, measured it, and ascertained that it would not fit in any room of our house. We sadly had to leave it there. Leroy was bummed. He just did not want to give it up, because it was such a classy piece of furniture. Back at home, he started loading the shelves into his car to return them to the street when I said, “Hey, maybe I can use them in my studio”. Voila. Two fabulous shelves now sit where boxes of unsorted junk once resided. I got rid of another road kill bookshelf that had served its purpose without style, and am happy. I can now walk around in my little office, and am working hard at keeping the surfaces clean and clear so that I can drop in and work at the studio or use the computer with out having to dig thru a bunch of admittedly neat stuff to find a flat space on which to work.

 It is late, and I am tired, but want to be real tired so that I can sleep through Leroy’s snores.

Good Night

I will download photos next post.
